Lençol branco que a terra cobre
Pouco há quem não a adore...
Com rolos de cartão fizemos o tronco e os ramos da árvore, demos nós em farrapo verde escuro para representar as folhas velhas. Com bolinhas que estavam dentro do furador colámos a neve.
White sheet that covers the earth
Few are who do not love it...
With rolls of card we did the trunk and branches, we knotted dark green rags to represent the old leaves. We glued balls that were inside the puncher to make the snow.
I love snow!!!
RiddleWhite sheet that covers the earth
Few are who do not love it...
With rolls of card we did the trunk and branches, we knotted dark green rags to represent the old leaves. We glued balls that were inside the puncher to make the snow.
Lindíssimo trabalho de inverno. Beijinhos