...desejam Feliz Páscoa!!!
Com formas de papel e penas amarelas, fiz o corpo do galo. Com
carolina laranja e cotonetes molhados em tinta amarela fiz o bico e as
patas. Usei fita de cetim vermelha para a crista e para a moldura do
The rooster corococo, the chicken co, and the chick piu...
...wish a Happy Easter!!!
I made the rooster's body with yellow paper cake cups and feathers. With orange cardboard and cotton swabs dipped in yellow paint I made the beak and the shanks. I used red satin ribbons to make the coomb and the card frame.
The rooster corococo, the chicken co, and the chick piu...
...wish a Happy Easter!!!
I made the rooster's body with yellow paper cake cups and feathers. With orange cardboard and cotton swabs dipped in yellow paint I made the beak and the shanks. I used red satin ribbons to make the coomb and the card frame.
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