Com tinta cenográfica branca e um rolo de esponja estampámos círculos formando o corpo do boneco de neve. Com farrapo fizemos o cachecol e o carapuço, com uma espátula de madeira e ráfia criámos a vassoura!
I went to "Serra da Estrela" (a Portuguese mountain, "Star Mountain") and made a Snowman!
With white paint and a sponge roll we stamped circles forming the snowman's body. With rag we made the scarf and the hood. With a wood spatula and raffia we made the broom!
I went to "Serra da Estrela" (a Portuguese mountain, "Star Mountain") and made a Snowman!
With white paint and a sponge roll we stamped circles forming the snowman's body. With rag we made the scarf and the hood. With a wood spatula and raffia we made the broom!
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