A zebre é branca com listas pretas? Ou preta com listas brancas?
Com lápis de cor preto pintámos as patas, o rabo e a crina da zebra.
Depois com a parte lateral das nossas mãozinhas e do dedo mindinho fizemos as riscas no corpo da zebra.
African Horse!!!
A Zebra is white with black stripes or black with white stripes?
We painted the zebra's paws, tail and mane with a black pencil.
Then with the lateral part of our hands and the lateral part of our pinkie we made the zebra's stripes.
African Horse!!!
A Zebra is white with black stripes or black with white stripes?
We painted the zebra's paws, tail and mane with a black pencil.
Then with the lateral part of our hands and the lateral part of our pinkie we made the zebra's stripes.
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